1. Adjust yourself to other people’s state of mind & difficulties
This will help get along with people better and avoid trivial circumstances to effect relations with others
2. Condition your mind at the beginning of each day
Keep it positive under all circumstances
3. Do not permit yourself to be drawn into arguments over unimportant subjects
4. Have a good-hearted laugh everytime you become irritated or angry
Can also try starting the day with a good laugh
5. Start each day with an expression of gratitude for all adversities, defeats and failures you have experienced
6. Concentrate your attention on the can do portion of your problems and desires
7. Transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action
For example, when you’re angry switch to focus to your hobby or your purpose in life and keep yourself busy with that
8. Every circumstance that influences your life good or bad is grist for your mill of life - make it pay dividends in someway or the other
9. Look upon your life as a continuous process of learning from your experiences both Good and Bad
10. Make the world over to fit your own pattern, but start with yourself to improve and become more patient
11. Express gratitude 2x daily
Recognize that you have been given control over your mind, and ask for guidance in order to use this profound gift wisely in all your endeavours
12. Go out of your way daily to comment enthusiastically on people’s good qualities (don’t mention the bad ones, obviously)